Saturday, November 27, 2010

Vagaries in Weather and Life

At last, my brother's marriage is over, as solemnized on 8th November, 2010. His marriage can't be forgotton as the skies have openen up genorously over the eve. Thankfully, things worked out in spite of the day long rain.

You know, having faced many hurdles to reach this level in our lives, this is a great moment to see my brother at wedlock. Dinesh, i wish you a happy married life.

Coming to the general custom of marriage, oh, my God, they would not let you sleep the marriage. It was an exhaustive process, so to have to receive the guests, arrange the accomodation, food, music...,appa it was really bending up! Meanwhile i lost my wallet, someone masterminded lifting that, its gone... At the research front, i have been toiling with a paper in hand fine-tuning? Long but's fun... Looking forward to January..2011.

I was at Syndicate Bank, before the teller. I asked him whether i can have ID & password for Internet Banking in English. He was not responding, then neglecting me, while others were noticing, he murmured...What this guy is talking in English... I went to Branch Manager, he simply ignored my request? Is this bank show responsiveness..?

The weather has been sleepy, so did i am and the days are shorter. But it is getting colder yar, than the Hyderabad. Hey Sun, will you show off please, keep all the vagaries away, also take note of mine.

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