Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Is there any human being or living form growing in between the he and she, as many may put you in between scorning you about your mannerism and all? If I ask this to a biologist he would shrug off: yes there are. Scientific community could go on to describe the conduct and behaviour of this group of humans. Society can prove that there are hermaphrodites and they are epicene. The world does not stop here building it up with whatever ways it can to describe this precious life – being between him and her.

Do you wonder whom I am talking about? Many a times we just despise this group mocking them without conscience for what they are. One should always understand their nature and this kind of every natural birth-simply they are humans, who cannot either digest it to themselves throughout their lives nor can reveal their feelings to others! This article does not support any bisexual practice nor approve the growing customs like civil partnership among same sex people, LGBT here. In the earlier decades by countryside, they would perform for both male and female roles in the cultural programmes throughout the night entertaining with elan, which still continues, especially in south India. Nowadays they become a group of people, who do not work anymore, but can be seen in street corners and railway sojourns asking money from others? Some countries have legalized this community and in many others they are approved. In the developed countries the people of the same sex are getting recognized and lead their lives as any normal other couple does. In India, transgender community is growing as you see them along the railways, at traffic signals and in metro cities, unfortunately are not visible in formal workplace settings. Does our society, policymakers and government recognize them, or do we ever care about why they are leading a life like this? Often they may try to be different as ordinary others are, want to learn new and experiment things but could not in many spheres of life both physically and mentally. Many a times they may feel this will be okay, as we grow older, but does the society recognize and understand as they grow along?

Whatever it takes this is neither their mistake nor the curse they are imposed! What mistake did they do to born like this? Is it their destiny or their parents’ mistakes are the questions propping up often? These God’s own people are the voices who are hardly heard, often exploited and never treated with dignity as individuals as they are. As a person every individual has the right to lead life with dignity and his\her individuality is unique in this universe. If we agree to this, let us accept them instead of passing lewd comments and abusing them. If we think we are macho men and beautiful women let us don’t take pride at scorning others about their behaviour and conduct. We should try to learn and be sensitized on this, instead of throwing hurting remarks and stigmatizing them.

And for the people who are challenged this is the message: never get let down by these scorners. See the people around you, there are people who lead their lives with integrity and peace in spite of entangled problems, deformities, mental and physical challenges. If you ask yourself often, why did I born, you should meet these privileged people and interact with them. Life is full of reckoning and has so much of surprises in store for you. Never ever allow these things let down your spirit. You are special in this world, and are born to win.

In the evolving society, if they are not supported and understood, when are we going to appreciate and inspire them? When will we lessen the trauma that they are undergoing? Psychologically, as many of us would have studied the approach towards the afflicted people should be first to understand their nature not what they become, but how they born with inherent natural qualities. They need our warmth and love, let us never hurt them, even if we cannot help them. But causing pain is worse, no matter if we are not helping them.

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