Monday, August 29, 2011

Disruptive Corruption!

As the uprising of the people across the India and overseas won the battle against corruption, what it means for a commoner? Everyday when you see the bus conductor not issuing (refusing) ticket for the next bus stop, when there is no bill issued for photocopies taken in college, when the repeated calls to attend the sanitary line is left to stinking - all these are fangs of corruption and heights of inordinate morals and delays calling for public accountability and being conscientious. Are not they?

We have a long go for a conscientious Indian, especially in the government sector. Every time you step into a government office, you know how the offices work, deliver things and its transparency level.  And the people mind has either ingratiated or buy things for money including jobs! If the system is totally rotten, its people who are equally blamable too!  People who do not know - what to do, lack of awareness and knowledge, whom to approach etc end up involving middlemen or paying bribes for getting the work done. The ordeals that you go through when you end up with government officials for getting a certificate issued is the most deplorable!

These should change, if this has to change, we the people should not take and give bribes, whatever may come! I stand for formative, upright and righteous nation, do you!

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