Saturday, March 26, 2011

Elections in 2011

Freebies and Political Parties

With the dust swirling in the air for political parties for electioneering, the manifestos badly reflect the lack of long-development of states of India. We don't need no more freebies, we need the good governance combined with farsightedness. Please don't make us lazier with your freebies and we don't want creating endowments with your family-owned money, giving freebies for garnering votebanks all we need is the duties you have to perform as a responsible politician living up to the mark.

In the name of freebies we are already spoilt enough. See the free televisions distributed in Tamil Nadu. Even in-laws in the family to whole families have 2 to 3 TVs now. Community toilets, public libraries, upgrading primary schools to higher level, promoting research in language development, transparency in administration are need of the hour. What irritates more when you see the channels boasting that under this so-called "government rule" the state was shining and progressed!  The ground reality can be seen if you visit the nearby primary-school infrastructure, the cleaniless of public convenience, working conditions of public library and this list is of course endless! There needs to be a desensitisation as to performance NOT MONEY matters must be carried out among the general public. This is one of the crucial area that people are failing for years not choosing the person who would deliver for them!

Dynastic politics, indifferent attitudes, coalition powers, mushrooming political parties and divisions are often give a backseat in development not progress. Although Electoral officials are doing a good job through electronic media in 2011, this elections are to be watched as to how far the law enforcement is maintained where cash-prone votes are dominant.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Developing Community Toilets

Public toilets and India

Gutan tag!

Recently, when my brother married, we all relatives went to have feast at my sister-in-law's house in a village. After learning that there is no toilet we were shocked. Then we told the aunty at the home, if there is no toilet we will never come again. I think she built the toilet, but i never visited again!  With elections round the corner, its time that we should vote for politicians who have toilets as party symbols and who constructs toilets at nook and corners of India, so to say for the swelling population!

It's big inconvenience for the general public that we don't have public toilets maintained. Once we step out of the workplace or house, with the sorry state of affairs, one like as if there is no urine bladder in the digestive system in our bodies. If pedestrian rights are denied in India, toilets are another dimension widely neglected for public. As a person i have travelled across widely on jobs and during college, toilets are the dreadful places to visit. Men everywhere holding up can be seen, on the railway tracks you can see in the morning if you are travelling people dutifully paying their respects on the tracks! There must be stringent laws that all the federal and state and private organisations\institutions should allot a portion of their land for public inconvenience, where public gather say near bus stops, circles and the workers should be well paid. These places can be best utilised, as they remain lifeless for ages, it would greatly help the passers-by who long for neat toilets. People at the toilets charge you for 1 to 2 rupees but the cleanliness of the toilets are unbearable. And whoever litter the public places should be punished.

If there is urgency to help oneself in the public places, where will people go in the absence of toilets. Although NGOs are doing their best like Sulabh International, the activism of governments on this front pathetically low. So, we should decide if our MLA\MP\ or whomsoever  build the community toilets for us, we should vote for him. With the kind of education we are offering, our children too grew up throwing wastes, and urinating everywhere. Is not it our duty to sensitise our children?

Equally responsible are both politicians and public. Get money for voting someone who will never visit again. The level of responsibility we show towards the development of country is really worrisome. Get paid and get doomed too!  Wherever we are not sensitised the backlash is to borne by us only.